See our products in action. Here we've curated a captivating gallery, showcasing the boundless potential of our creations to uplift, empower, and ignite your imagination.
"I absolutely love my morning greeting from one of my favorite scriptures (sitting on my kitchen counter). Very uplifting for family and guests!"
- Dee from Atlanta
"This is the scripture that has been my source of support while going through with breast Cancer. It’s placed on a cabinet in my entryway. I look at it every morning, and it strengthens me just to see the words that are in my heart, knowing that God is with me every step of the way. This scripture has been my help in these trouble times."
Gerri T
"I have been purchasing PajeDesigns products since 2017. The products are unique and of the highest quality. I've purchased wedding, birthday and graduation gifts!"
My AKA Friend loved this cute plaque given to her by me...her Delta BFF! Can't wait to see the photo she's going to insert of us!
Ques For Christ
My Best Friend Is An AKA